There are 3 pairs of large salivary glands– Parotid, submandibular, sublingual Several minor salivary glands located in the palate, cheek, lips, tongue.
- Largest of all the salivary glands.
- Meaning- PARA means around, OTIC means ear
- It is a bilobed structure with a large superficial lobe and a smaller deep lobe. A part of the forward extension of the gland is known as accessory parotid.
- Weighs about 15-30g.
- Location- below the ear canal opening, mandible (jaw bone) & mastoid process (bone behind the ear).
- The facial nerve courses through the parotid gland, providing nerve supply to the muscles of facial expression.
- It lies between superficial and deep lobe of parotid, which makes the parotid surgery challenging.
In conclusion, parotid surgery is a significant medical intervention. By understanding the complex anatomy, reasons for surgery, potential risks and complications and recovery process, you can approach the experienced surgeon with confidence and ensure the best possible outcome for your health.
Looking for parotid swelling treatment in Bangalore? Book your appointment today with the best doctor for parotid swelling treatment in Bangalore.